Monday, October 17, 2011


“Hey, I know you.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah, you look familiar. You go to school here, right?”
“And did you take that one Indian Film class with that crazy ornery Jewish lady?”
“Yeah. Yeah I did.”
“Yeah. I remember you. You used to come in late all the time.”
“And you used to always sit in the third row. Except this one time when the third row was completely full… and I think you were thinking about taking a chair from the fourth row and just shoehorning yourself into the third, but you ended up just sitting in the fourth row.”
“And you gnawed on your pencil erasers a lot. And every time the teacher called on you, you replied in a very snarky way… which always pissed off the teacher, but I’m not sure if you ever realized that.”
“Yeah… so are you that guy?”
“… yep.”
“Cool………… I realize now that what I’ve just said may come off as stalker-ish, but I promise it’s not, really. I just have an extremely good memory.”
“Oh yeah?”
“So then... you remember my name?”

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